جامعة المعرفة العالمية
Knowledge International University
Knowledge International University
A Comprehensive Explanation of ‘The Book of Hajj’ from Manhaj AsSaalikeen – Way of the Travelers.
The online course will be delivered by the esteemed Sheikh Dr. Saad bin Nassir ash-Shethry, founder of KIU and former member of the ‘Council of Senior Scholars’ Saudi Arabia.
The University is pleased to announce that this course will be made freely available to all participants. Furthermore, all registering students will be provided with translated course material and the opportunity to take an exam at the end of the course to help measure their level of understanding.
If you are a first time visitor and would like to register for this course, please click here to access the registration form.
All registered students who have not yet accessed the student portal, please proceed to do so now by using the username and password that was sent to you via email. Please use the login option located on the left. Alternatively, click here to be redirected to the portal. Once inside the portal please ensure to enrol yourself onto the course by selecting the enrol option.
About the Book
Manhaj asSaalikeen (The way of the traveller). A condensed fiqh treatise authored by the noble, respected sheikh, Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir asSa'diy, 1307AH- 1376AH (May Allah have mercy upon him).
About the Author
He is Abu Abd Allah, Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir ibn Abd Allah ibn Naasir ibn Hamd Aal Sa'diy, from the tribe of Bani Tameem. Sheikh asSa'diy was born on the 12th of Muharram 1307AH. Despite losing his parents at a young age; the sheikh experienced a noble upbringing, having memorised the Qur'aan before reaching the age of 12. He was blessed with the opportunity to seek knowledge under the most renowned scholars during his time, and later became a great scholar himself. From amongst his many students are, Sheikh Muhammed ibn Saalih alUthaimeen, Sheikh Abd Allah ibn Abdur-Rahmaan alBassaam and Sheikh Abdul-Azeez ibn Muhammed asSalmaan.
The esteemed sheikh (May Allah have mercy upon him) also authored several books dealing with the various Islamic sciences, including the famous book explaining the verses of the Qur'aan, called: 'Tayseer alKareem arRahmaan fee Tafseer kalaam alManaan', which he completed before the age of forty.
On the 23/6/1376AH the Ummah lost a great scholar with the passing of Sheikh asSa'diy in the city of 'Unayzah, Saudi Arabia. On that day crowds, of capacities never witnessed before in 'Unayzah, gathered for the funeral prayer that preceded his burial. (May Allah have mercy upon him).
About the Lecturer
The esteemed Sheikh, Dr. Sa'd ibn Naasir ash-Shithry. He is the founder of Knowledge International University, and former member of the 'Council of Senior Ulamaa'' Saudi Arabia. Sheikh Sa'd holds a doctorate in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence Methodology. He is also the author of several books explaining intricate topics found in the various Islamic Sciences, and has revised, authenticated, and explained a large number of texts. His presence and calibre in the field of Da'wah and Islamic education is experienced across the globe.
About the translator
Abu Abd Allah, Sajid Ahmed Umar. Graduate from the Faculty of Shariah, Imam Muhammed bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh.
Who this Course is for?
The course has been carefully developed to accommodate English speaking Muslim students of all levels. Any Muslim interested in enhancing their understanding of Hajj as found in the books of Fiqh is encouraged to join. This series is also for those who seek a rare opportunity to interact live with Sheikh Dr. Sa'd ash-Shethry, who is a renowned scholar, and a senior authority especially in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence.
How does it work?
The course will be provided through 4 online lecture sessions. All sessions will be in audio format and will be broadcast live over the Internet through a virtual classroom. Each session will be conducted in Arabic/English and will last approximately 60 minutes including time for questions and answers.
The virtual classroom is provided through Elluminate software and is freely available. The process to enter a classroom is easy and automated. A simple click on the hyperlink provided for each session will initiate the client software and redirect the participant to the classroom automatically.
Please review the Elluminate software pre-requisites at the bottom prior to joining a session.
Registration and Deadline
The registration process is simple and easy to follow. Please click here to access the registration form. Participants who submit their registration form before the deadline will receive an email with their student login credentials allowing them entry into the student portal.
Registration will remain open until the end of the lecture series. Please do register and encourage others to register also so that everyone may benefit from this series.
Exam Structure
All registered students will have the option to take an exam at the end of the course. The exam will consist of 15 questions covering the topics discussed in the lecture sessions as well as the course material.
The exam will be conducted online through the student portal.
Please do take the time to sit the exam. It has been prepared for your benefit.
Course Schedule
The course will be provided through 4 lecture sessions across 4 consecutive days starting from Thursday 28th October through to Sunday 31st October. The course will begin at 6:00PM Saudi time (4:00PM UK time) every day.
Date Time Session Title Session Link
28-10-2010 6:00PM-7:00PM Session One Session Link
29-10-2010 6:00PM-7:00PM Session Two Session Link
30-10-2010 6:00PM-7:00PM Session Three Session Link
31-10-2010 6:00PM-7:00PM Session Four Session Link
No email with username and password
If you have not yet received your username & password, please check your spam/junk folder to ensure the email has not been re-directed there. Otherwise if you wish to have the details re-sent to you please click here and provide your email address.
In the event you do not receive your login details before the start of the course, a link to the session will be provided at the top of this page.
Prerequisites for joining an Elluminate Live! session
To ensure the best experience with Elluminate Live!, you are recommended to pre-configure your computer prior to your session.
Ensure that:
Your computer satisfies the minimum system requirements
You are using the computer on which you will attend your Elluminate Live! session.
Your computer connected to the Internet and has a stable connection.
You have a microphone, speakers or headset to take full advantage of the audio capabilities during the session. .
You have reviewed the steps outlined on the Elluminate Support page.
If you would like to learn more about Elluminate Live!, you can access several resources on theElluminate Training page as well as the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
Register Now