Fasting promotes unity!
The Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said:
"Fast when they fast, and break your fast when they break their fast, and sacrifice the day they sacrifice." (At-Tirmidhee, authenticated by al-Albaanee)
Imaam at-Tirmidhee (d. 275H) – rahimahullah – said:
"Some of the People of Knowledge explained this hadeeth by saying: Its meaning is to fast and break the fast along with the jamaa`ah and the majority of people." (Jamiah at-Tirmithi)
in this blessed month we can sense an increased feeling of unity and of being a single Ummah due to our fasting and breaking of our fasts collectively. We also feel an increased awareness about the state of affairs of the Muslims and of the hardships that each endure, because during the fast, a Muslim feels and experiences what his hungry brothers and sisters feel, who are forced to go without food and drink for many many days.
Unity amongst muslims and their aiding and assisting of one another is one of the great fundamentals upon which the Religion of Islam is built, as Allah – the Most High – said:
"And hold fast altogether to the rope of Allaah and do not be divided." [Soorah Al `Imraan 3:103].
And Allah Almighty also said:
"The Believers – men and women – and friends and protectors of one another." [Soorah at-Tawbah 9:44]
Dear reader, understand that the welfare of our people will not be complete – neither in this world, nor in the Hereafter – except with ijtima` (collectiveness), ta`awun (mutual co-operation), and tanassur (mutual help). It is for this reason that man is said to be social and civil by nature." (See al-hisbah fil Islam)
Ramadaan is a time to increase our sense of unity and brotherhood, and our commitment to Allah and His Religion. And there is no doubt that this sense of unity necessitates that: "We work together as required by Islam as sincere bretheren in order to realize that which is of benefit to the muslim ummah and to establish an Islamic society that every Muslim aspires for.
The month of Ramadaan is definately a month for us to put behind petty squabbles and let bye-gons be bye-gons!
May Allah unite us all upon Tauheed and truthfulness. Ameen
And Allah knows best.
Sajid Ahmed Umar
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