Continuation: The Importance of Marriage:
3. Allah Almighty has promised to assist a bachelor intending marriage:
Our beloved Prophet (SAW) has taught is that Allah Almighty promises to help any person who aspires to marry, especially if it is to avoid falling into sin.
He (SAW) said:
((There are three individual that Allah has made it a right upon Himself to assist them: A fighter in the path of Allah, a slave who makes a contract with his master to purchase his freedom, and one who seeks marriage for the sake of preserving his chastity))
Footnote: This Hadith confirms that which we discussed during our last post, that Islam encourages the freeing of slaves.
4. Marriage is the practice of the Prophets:
During the previous posts, mention was made regarding marriage being a part of the Sunnah of our beloved prophet (SAW).
This practice was also a practice ofprevious prophets:
Allah Almighty says in the chapter of Ar-Ra’d, verse: 38:
((And We surely sent messengers before you (O Muhammed) and granted them wives and children))
And our beloved prophet (SAW) said:
((Marriage is a way of mine; and whoever does not follow my way is not from my followers. Marry, because I your outnumbering of other nations on the day of resurrection. Whoever has wealth should marry, and whoever does not, should fast, because fasting is a restraint for him))
(Ibn Maajah-and verified as authentic)
And our beloved Prophet (SAW) said to Uthmaan (RA):
((O Uthmaan (bin Ma’zoon)! Monasticism has not been enjoined upon us, am i not for you an example? By Allah, I indeed fear Allah and safeguard His boundaries more than any of you))
(Ahmed, Ibn Hibbaan and at-Tabaraani, and verified as authentic)
Footnote: The above Hadith was mentioned to a companion who neglected his wife because of his fasting during the days and praying throughout the night!
This Hadith is clear evidence of rights that spouses possess over each other, which insha-Allah will be discussed in more detail over the course of this series.
And Allah knows best.
Sajid Ahmed Umar
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