The following is a review of the popular 'Arrivals' video. I have place it here from the blog mentioned below for our benefit. Very valid points noted! - let me know your thoughts.
It is important to think with an abstract approach so as not to be lead blindly in our daily affairs. Reviews such as these help us.
Bismillah. At the outset I’d like to honor the pursuit of the truth and the efforts the video makers made in seeking understanding as opposed to hate. This is a noble venture and the points below are not aimed at discrediting that.
A note of caution: The documentary repeats and replays images of lewdness, music, sexuality and drug use. Likewise, there are some differences of Aqeedah mentioned within (such as the idea that Allah created the universe with laws and left it or the Shi’ite perspective of Islam). I’ll try to stick to the main points regarding the factual presentations given and one can read about the issues of aqeedah on other posts.
Remember: It is a form of shirk to associate the Power and Will of Allah with anyone or anything other than Allah. Saying that Shaytan gives someone power and makes people powerful is not from the aqeedah of Ahl Sunna because Allah is the only One who Decrees what Will be.
[The following points will follow relatively chronologically along with the episodes – they are not in order of importance]
1) In The Arrivals many theories and ideas are presented as if they are one cohesive body (conspiracy), however the linking data or linking evidence to connect these ideas is not given. I am not saying that these theories are wrong or right, rather than they are presented as if they are all connected without supporting evidence. These ideas and theories include:
a. The planned and strategic usage of sexual imagery in children’s television and the greater promotion of lewdness and degradation of sexual morality.
b. The imagery of the Lion/Horse crest on Government/Cigarette/Alcohol symbols (based upon Biblical prophecy)
c. The symbolism of the Freemason Architect “eye” and membership of powerful elite
d. The secret possession from Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades that gives power and control (originally found by Templars)
e. The Skull and crossbones symbolism
f. The illuminati and its relation to the music industry
g. Emergence of the “new world order” of wars and globalization
h. The symbolism of pyramids and tapping of the earth’s hidden energy grid
i. The global support of the State of Israel
j. The occult, paganism, magic and Satanism
k. The theory of energy and vibes/vibrations and other related theories
l. The concept of sacred geometry and sacred mathematics
m. The proliferation of mass media, music, television, movies and the like.
n. Belief that ancient pyramids facilitated global communication and special power sourcing
o. The belief that the Dajjal is a system not a person (as described in the Sunnah)
p. The death of Michael Jackson and the plots behind it
q. That freemasonry is actually based upon Kabbalah, or Jewish Magic and magic that pre-dates Judaism
r. Hollywood’s stereotyping of Arabs, Muslims and the Arab world
s. Alternative 9/11 explanations
t. UFOs and the New World Order’s plan to stage a UFO attack on the world
u. That all powerful elites and world leaders are Satanists
v. That the Pharaoh’s bloodline is the current ruling Monarch in Britain
Each of these theories are in need of reflection and consideration, however one cannot assume that they are connected and linked in a planned effort by a single body without sufficient evidence to make such a claim. The Arrivals presents these theories as if they are all a plot from a specific group (empowered by Shaytan), however it does not account for any other factors, such as: the market demand for sexual imagery and the advantage that sexual imagery has in advertising; the supply and demand and ease of world trade in globalization; the “crest” image is not exact representations on each product, rather these are similar logos and there is a historical usage for such emblems; the distinct membership and separation between the organizations related to the freemason symbolism and the Skull and cross bone symbolism; the structural advantages to the pyramid in ancient times (ex: ease of construction, ability to increase height and durability) that facilitated its global usage in pre-modern times; and the socio-political, geo-political and religious reasons that the State of Israel has gained support; the fact that the lion is a common symbol because of its power and dominance in the animal kingdom; the role of superstition in everyday life and that is it often correlated by the mind but does not necessitate a plot to confuse the masses; the factor of green in global business as it affects the new world order and globalization as well as the use of sexuality in advertisements and the proliferation of goods such as alcohol and cigarettes; the role of addition in the sale of products such as alcohol and cigarettes; the effectiveness of using geometry and geometric patterns in construction and for aesthetic purposes; the demand and profitability in mass media; the freedom within mass media, to create such shows as The Arrivals; the other factors that played into the war on terror, such as the existence of actual extremist groups executing acts of terror; the geo-political and economic reasons for invading Iraq and Afghanistan; certainly the events of 9/11 have been called into question as it related to the US governmental explanation, however no clear alternative has yet emerged and thus we cannot assume that our best guess is correct, et cetera.
2) The condescending attitude of “soon you’ll know” and “soon you’ll understand” and “soon you’ll be free” makes the viewer feel as if the documentary makers have some secret information they’ve yet to share with the audience. However, the continual blaring of this messaging is using the similar tools and methods which were “evidence” that media came from Shaytan.
3) The use of cult movies, such as the Matrix, Fight Club and the Lord of the Rings throughout, clearly undermine their message as they are promoting the mainstream Hollywood media which they claim to be a part of the master plan for the new world order.
4) “Connections” are made between relatively unrelated topics to promote their theories. For example: Part 11 begins with Hamza Yusuf talking about the Sun God of the Pharaoh’s and its relation to the Freemason Architect “eye” along with the word ray coming for that Pharaonic origin and then the title of Madonna album “Ray of Light” is portrayed as something seemingly shaytanic. This connecting of unrelated imagery and tidbits of information without factual evidence to link them is not evidence at all.
5) The idol worship of celebrities is considered shaytanic when done for pop stars that are supported by the claimed illuminati-dominated music industry, however cult like following of Michael Jackson, Bob Marley and Diana (called our hero) is not deemed so. Again, selective use of information to promote an idea.
6) The evidence of the music industry’s dominance by illuminati and their agenda being encoded in all forms of messaging revolves around only a few people, in particular the documentary focuses upon Madonna and Britney Spears. And, no evidence is provided to show that these people in particular or their bosses are in fact a part of Illuminati – rather it is given as if it were fact (for arguments sake, one needs to prove the point not just state what one believes to be truth).
7) The use of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as “evidence” when clearly this document is a forgery as has been deemed so by Western Academia and Islamic scholarship, its roots, agenda and plagiarized portions are well known.
8) The lack of “smoking-guns” and reports from previous workers – for example: if Disney has a master plan to indoctrinate the children through sexual imagery in cartoon films, there would be at least one editor/artist or otherwise who would come forward speaking about the fact that he’d be told and/or directed to create a cartoon based upon the imagery of sexual organs/imagery. And yet, such has not happened in the case of Disney or any of the others.
9) On The Arrivals own website Part 21, Part 23 and Part 37 are missing (there are files but they direct you to the following section)
10) The section regarding UFOs conveniently mixes actual images with Hollywood and other footage of UFOs. Granted, UFOs may be explained by the testing of yet to be released military technology, but that of itself is not proof that the “New World Order” is plotting to use UFOs to stage an attack to finalize their control of Earth.
11) The film confuses the “satanic” hand sign (which is shown) with the American Sign Language sign for “I love you,” which is close to the “satanic” hand sign but it also extends the thumb. The documentary mixes these two images / hand signs as if they were the same and had the same meaning.
12) The Dajjal being our ruler as a system goes against many ahadith in the Sunna. It puts aside the physical description of a person, it leaves aside all the ahadith that describe the dajjal and what he looks like, it does not discuss the ahadith regarding the precursors and timeline that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has related for us. The Arrivals selectively uses some ahadith to “prove” that the “Architect eye” is the one-eyed dajjal system and that the dajjal is alive and ruling us. They have interpreted the ahadith of “one year” to mean one heavenly year and this it equals 1000 years and goes forth with a theory of who ruled the world during this time, after the speech given by a speaker there is no authentic evidence to advocate this understanding of the ahadith, nor the rest of the narrations relating to dajjal, which were not mentioned at all. One who is slightly versed in the dajjal as is presented in the authentic sunna will realize this argument and this idea of the dajjal being a system is not correct.
13) The aspect of why all the leaders are practicing and embracing Satanism and dominating the world, who are working to eradicate religion and the belief in Allah, neglects to address to fact that the Most-Powerful and the Most-Merciful is Greater. Allah is All-Knowing not unaware of the plots of Satan for surely the pen has been lifted and nothing occurs without the knowledge and Will of Allah, Most-High. Let us not forget this crucial and important point as we are told that Satan is taking over the world through the whims and pacts of the elite and leaders.
14) The Arrivals states that only evil jinn “cross the dimensional boarder” and therefore we do not / cannot encounter good jinn. They also state that only sacrifice “opens the door” for that cross dimensional communication, symbolized by a cross checkered floor, and that all leaders of the world today practice these rituals of sacrifice. I don’t feel the need to comment on this. Had there been authentic religious evidence for the former one might consider it and had there been anything beyond opinion for the latter is may have be entertained.
15) Much of the theories and information regarding the plans of Shaytan rely upon one long interview from an unknown source taken by unmentioned journalists and presented by an unknown speaker. How can a logical person take this as the “key” to unlocking this truth? This is pure opinion given by an unknown source regarding Satanism and is the foundation for the latter part of the entire series.
In Sum we have a collection of antidotal evidence and a listing of various controversial theories. It is stated that there are a lot of things going wrong. There is a massive negative trend in society. However, a collection of images, photos and clips of music/movies does not prove that the Freemasons/Illuminati/Pharaohs are running society. As was mentioned in the film, there are a lot of people who have similar world views, but they are not necessarily working in concerted efforts. Those similar views include greed (globalization, sexual marketing), control (New World Order, clubs of secret societies), power and the like. Although many of these above mentioned plots are said to have a Shaytanic origin, many have had positive effects and thus the dichotomy is not as black and white as is presented.
Occam’s Razor states: entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.
I rest my case upon Occam’s Razor until facts, sources and ideas are connected justly.
Wa’Allahu ‘alem.
Masha Allah TabarakAllah Sheikh, May Allah preserve you!
ReplyDeleteVery good analysis. I do not follow the Arrivals, as it is still conspiracy theory.
ReplyDeleteThe Pickthal translation of the Quran clearly states:
'Lo! Conspiracy is only of the devil, that he may vex those who believe; but he can harm them not at all unless by Allah's leave. In Allah let believers put their trust.' 58:10
Great article. Thank you.