Dear students,
Assalaamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
I write to you from my abode in Riyadh, K.S.A rather that the U.K as we witness first hand Allah Almighty's power and complete ability over all affairs.
I was scheduled to arrive into the U.K Thursday morning, but alas, an event that occurred hundreds of miles from my destination was a means of clearing most of Europe's airspace.
At the emergence of this news, AlKauthar and I tried everything in our feeble capacities to pave a way for my arrival. I was even minutes from joining a flight destined for Paris, when news dawned upon us that the airport in France would be shut down as well.
The journey we were about to embark on together dear students had several lessons pertaining to the realm of Divine Will and Predestination...
Insha Allah, Allah Almighty will once again unite us all to partake of these lessons.
The bottom line is that Allah Almighty is the Greatest and in control of all- Subhaanahu wa ta'aalah!
In the meantime- I want you all to hold steadfast upon the lessons we covered together during our live webinar! In particular- the topic of reflection (Tadabbur) over the verses found in the book of Allah.
Please take time this Friday to ponder over the verses found in Soorah alKahf- but before that I want you all to open the book of Allah upon receiving this email, and turn to chapter 57, verse 22 and 23.
Don't just read the meaning once! but several times whilst engaging your heart! and don't be surprised with the droplets of tears that will stem from your eyes, as you understand the reality of existence, and the Majesty of Allah Almighty. Allahu Akbar!
After you are done, please send me an email letting me know your thoughts! (sajidahmed.umar@gmail.com)
Remember that life is full of tests- and that Allah tests those whom he loves! We should not hope for tribulations, but when we are afflicted with them- we should resign to knowing that there is a special wisdom in everything that Allah Almighty does, and that whatever He does; He does good!
And know O son of Adam! that every test you pass is a chance towards a greater paradise.
To those who have taken time off work for the sake of Allah to ensure their presence in Manchester, I say to you- Indeed, Allah does not let the rewards of the good-doers go astray!
To those that have secured accommodation and booked their flights, I say to you- Indeed, Allah does not let the rewards of the good-doers go astray!
To those that booked their seats for this course and cleared their weekends, I say to you- Indeed Allah does not let the rewards of the good-doers go astray!
To those that have spent for the sake of Allah Almighty, I say to you- Indeed Allah does not let the rewards of the good-doers go astray!
My dearest students, AlKauthar will do everything in their capacity to look after you all after this rare event. In the interim, let us ensure that we exercise patience and be forthcoming.
Remember to the lay man- this event is difficulty! But to you and I- this is a chance to earn from the bounties of Allah Almighty. How? one may ask!
Well, Allah has given us a chance to worship Him by being patient because of this, and becoming more in awe of Him!
As a result of this volcano, and it's eruption- we will remember Allah through-out this weekend in a manner that we have never done before! Allahumma lakal Hamd! O Allah for you is all praise.
Before bidding a temporary farewell, I told you all, that in this trip I would meet my first son for the first time along with meeting you all!
I pray that Allah brings me together with my son too- but I also promise that, if Allah Almighty wills- I will do everything possible to visit Manchester and conduct this course- however i request from you all one thing! And that is you promise to try your best to grant me the honour of meeting you by attending the course when it does happen.
I love you all for the sake of Allah,
Until Allah Allows us to meet again in this world, before gathering us in Jannah, I say,
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!
Your brother,
Sajid Ahmed Umar
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